Kicking Off the Second Half of 2019


Today is July 1 so happy Canada Day everyone. It’s also the first day of the second half of 2019. The first half was kind of rough for me, but certainly had it’s high points and I’m trying to focus on those and how I can build off of them over the next six months.

As today is the first day of the month, and a Monday, I spent some time yesterday reviewing the previous week and month, and setting goals for both this week and this month with an eye on how I want the rest of 2019 to shape up for me. 

I’m heading into these months with a more positive attitude than I’ve had in awhile, certainly better than how I felt at the start of the first half of the year. I’m making realistic, yet stretch goals. I’m rumbling with how I can live more into my values, and I’m trying to stay focused on more intrinsic motivation (e.g. eating healthy and exercising so that I feel good).

I’m thinking about what I want to create, what I want to experience, what I want to learn, and how I want to feel. 

I have three trips scheduled during the next few months, including two to states I’ve never been to before. I’ll be in Alaska in late September to speak at two universities and then Arizona in late October to co-present at a conference with one Before those trips I get to spend time in British Columbia on vacation with my family. 

I’m working on pulling together a virtual goal accountability / support group with friends who are also trying to be the best that they, as their unique individual selves can be, but don’t live near me. I want to finish the first draft of my novel. I want to spend more time laughing with my family. I want to learn some new recipes for healthy dishes, including smoothies that I can enjoy on my deck this summer.

On December 31, I want to look back and say, “2019 was a good year and I’m a better person for it.”

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