This has been a rough week, within a rough year, and we still have very challenging times ahead of us. How do we keep moving forward when it’s so tempted to sit on the couch watching TV, eating junk food? How do we not give into hiding under the covers?
Two years ago at this time, there were a lot of days where I wanted to just stay in bed, but I was healthy enough to know that I still wanted to show up for the people around me, my family, my colleagues. While I was working reduced time, I requested working the first half of the day so that I knew I had to get up and get to work. Once I was up, I was usually up for the day.
One of the first guests on the Better Me Podcast, Loleen Berdahl talked about the importance of remembering that the people who love you and others around you need you. This is the thing that got me out of bed. This is the thing that keeps me moving forward. But this is also the reason that I make self-care a priority. It’s not an indulgence. Those people need you to take care of yourself because they need you.
So, this is just a reminder to you, yes you, that as the pandemic and political upheaval continue, you MUST do the following:
1. Sleep
2. Eat mostly healthy food
3. Drink water
4. Move (as in exercise, not homes)
5. Make plans for the future
6. Call friends and family (no, you’re not annoying them)
7. Do things that are just for you (watch a movie, read, go for a walk, etc.)
8. Be kind to others (it will make you and them feel better)
9. Meet your commitments, while protecting your boundaries (you have to be honest with people for this to work)
10. Be grateful for the little things
And most importantly, if you’re struggling, ask for help. Ask your family, your friends, your colleagues, or a professional. Asking for help is a sign of strength.
We need you.