So I walked into the kitchen, saw the giant bag of chocolate chips on the counter, grabbed a very small bowl, and deposited a handful of the little morsels of goodness into it. Then I started thinking about what to make for supper. Nothing about this story is evidence of a healthy approach to eating. READ MORE
Category: Fitness
Setting Some DUMB Goals
As I’ve worked to get back on my game the past few months I have gotten caught up in checking “to-dos” off my list. I have a reputation at work as being a very productive person and while everyone understood why I wasn’t as productive for several months, I’ve been trying to rebuild that reputation. READ MORE
Don’t Come Back From Vacation Feeling Like You Need One
Recently I wrote a post about how easy it is to slip on your good habits. This is particularly true if you’re traveling. There’s early morning flights, restaurant food, sleeping in a bed that you’re not accustomed to, etc. I have some vacation time coming up so my ears perked up a bit when Rachel READ MORE
The Cumulative Effect of Getting Started
I’ve mentioned that I’ve been working on a novel. I started it not quite two years ago and I’ve tried to write at least 100 words a day. That’s a pretty small number, but there have been few days when I have written 300 to 400 words, and there have been some days when I READ MORE
It’s Easy to Slide
A few months ago I was telling a colleague of mine that I was dealing with a bout of depression. I talked about what I had been doing for self-care and mentioned that I’d taken up meditation. I had meditated in the past, but not as diligently as I started doing last fall. He was READ MORE
Being a Mom Doesn’t Mean I Can Do It All
I usually exercise every morning. I find that I have a better workout and feel better throughout the day if I do it first thing in the morning. If not, I have trouble getting motivated to exercise later in the day so a workout likely won’t happen. There is also evidence that working out at READ MORE
Kicking Off the Second Half of 2019
Today is July 1 so happy Canada Day everyone. It’s also the first day of the second half of 2019. The first half was kind of rough for me, but certainly had it’s high points and I’m trying to focus on those and how I can build off of them over the next six months. READ MORE
‘Living Into Our Values’
I’ve mentioned previously when a concept or term keeps popping up repeatedly, I often think that I should give it my attention. This week it was “congruence”. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines this as something that’s in “agreement or harmony”. Earlier this week a few people used the terms “congruent” and “congruence” in a meeting where READ MORE
What Am I Going To Do When I Find Out I’m Fine?
When you’re struggling with depression you often can only focus on the day ahead of you when you wake up in the morning. Long-term plans, even if that means a week away, kind of fall by the wayside. Yes, I continued to set weekly and monthly goals, but I honestly had a lot of trouble READ MORE
Get Pumped Up
Humour me for a moment, I’m going to brag a bit. It’s Wednesday and usually on Wednesday mornings I do a walking workout on the treadmill followed by a running workout on the treadmill. I do something similar on Mondays and Fridays, with a longer version and maybe some spin bike thrown in on Sundays. READ MORE