I recently finished reading the book Between Two Kingdoms, which is a memoir by Suleika Jaouad. It is one of the best books that I’ve read. The story is beautiful (and painful) as is the way she tells her story. It left me with so much to think about and unpack before I can write READ MORE
A New Way to Look at Progress
Let’s say you’re running a long race and you’re right next to your number one rival when you trip and fall to the ground. Your shoe fell off and your knee is bleeding. You look ahead and see your rival still running toward the finish line. You quickly tie your shoes in a double knot, READ MORE
Invest In The Small Things
“Most big, deeply satisfying accomplishments in life take at least five years to achieve. This can include building a business, cultivating a loving relationship, writing a book, getting in the best shape of your life, raising a family, and more. Five years is a long time. It is much slower than most of us would READ MORE
Maintainance Is Better Than Repair
When I was growing up my family had dental insurance that required we get regular check-ups, which were covered by the insurance. They recognized that regular check-ups and cleanings helped to prevent more costly procedures later. The first new car I bought included a warranty that covered routine maintenance like oil changes, etc. because it’s READ MORE
Some of What I’ve Been Consuming
I have several personal and work-related projects going on right now, but publishing these blog posts twice per week is a commitment that I’ve made to you the readers. Yes, I take some time off here and there, but I try to plan for that and this isn’t one of those times. So instead of READ MORE
From Day-to-Day to Your Purpose
I recently wrote a post about doing a “Weekly Review”, an idea that comes from David Allen’s book Getting Things Done (GTD). Another important aspect of the GTD method that I think often gets overlooked is the “Horizons of Focus”. According to Allen, there are six horizons of focus that he explains using a “flying READ MORE
The Many Benefits of the Culture of Open
My daughter had a lacrosse tournament this Victoria Day long weekend (five games between Sunday and Monday) so I didn’t have a lot of time to write a blog post. I do, however, want to share that I had a great conversation with Lena Patterson, the President of Open Education Global, and open leader extraordinaire READ MORE
Enjoying the Moments While I Can
The other day, my daughter asked that I meet her at school with our dog at the end of the day to walk her home. I rearranged some things I had on my calendar and walked over to the school with our furry child. Our daughter has only a few weeks left of elementary school READ MORE
Health and Self-Respect
I was recently listening to an episode of Brendon Burchard’s podcast and he said something that not only caught my attention but honestly startled me because it was so bang-on. He said: “My first point today is health is luck. Dot, dot, dot AND self-respect. “It’s not either/or, it’s both. There are some things that READ MORE
Planning Ahead Isn’t About Next Week, Month, or Year
The oldest known company in North America, is La Casa de Moneda de Mexico, the national mint of Mexico, which was established in 1535. The oldest in the U.S. is the Shirley Plantation (yes, a plantation), established in 1638, and the oldest in Canada is the Hudson Bay Company (1670). How many companies do you READ MORE