What Does My ‘A-Game’ Look Like?

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Last summer I wrote a blog post about who needs my “A-Game”. This was an idea that I got from Brendon Burchard and it’s something that I continue to note every morning. He mentioned it in a video last week, which got me thinking more carefully about it and made me ask myself, “what does my A-game” look like.

As I noted in that earlier post, every day I start my  “Who needs my A-game today” list with my daughter and my wife. I also always include my future and present me. If I’m giving a talk, getting together with someone, or collaborating with a colleague, then others end up on that list too, but it always has my daughter, my wife, and future and present me.

Last week I was home sick for a couple of days and I spent some time giving this is deeper look. What does bringing my “A-game” look like when it comes to who I am for my daughter, my wife, future me, and present me?

For my daughter – be more patient; be a good role model in how I treat myself, treat others, and follow my dreams; be honest with her; show her and tell her that I love her; really listen to her; show her how grateful I am for her.

For my wife – be more patient; share my dreams and wins with her (not just my challenges); show her and tell her that I love her; really listen to her; show her how grateful I am for her.

For my future and present self – eat healthy; move, get stronger, and more flexible; pursue my dreams; build and nourish relationships; be intentional; be patient (see a pattern here?) and loving with myself; learn things and grow; be true to myself.

It doesn’t matter who I write on that list if I don’t know the why or what being my best for them on that single day looks like. If you don’t know what good looks like, how do you move towards it?

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